Training Requirements for Senior Security Supervisor

What is a Senior Security Supervisor (SSS)

A Senior Security Supervisor (SSS) is the forth rank in the 5-ladder Security Progressive Wage Model (PWM).

Job Duties
  • In charge of security or fire command centre with more than 3 personnel
  • Conduct security audits and risk assessment
  • General supervision

The following requirements have to be met to become a Senior Security Supervisor:

Years-in-Grade (YIG) Requirement

Individuals will need to have at least 1 year 6 months experience as a Security Supervisor (SS) to meet the YIG requirement.

Training Requirements

To become a SSS, individuals must fulfill the following training requirements:

Course Title No. of Days
(incl assessment)
Course Fees
Full Course Fees With SSG Funding
≥ 21 years old (Singaporeans and PRs)
With SSG Funding
≥ 40 years old (Singaporeans only)
PWM-Security: Manpower Planning
(Monitor and Review Security Operations)
3 days $654.00 $354.00 $234.00
+ Any 3 of the following modules
PWM-Security: Manpower Planning
(Conduct Operation Briefing and Debriefing)
3 days $654.00 $354.00 $234.00
PWM-Security: Incident Response
(Contribute to the Management of Security Incidents)
4 days $817.50 $442.50 $292.50
PWM-Security: Incident Response
(Perform Monitoring and Reporting Duties at Central Command Centre)
3 days $400.03 $216.53 $143.13
PWM-Security: Crowd and Traffic Control Management (Supervise Crowd and Traffic Control Activities) 4 days $817.50 $442.50 $292.50
PWM-Security: Access Control Management (Deploy Security Equipment) 3 days $490.50 $265.50 $175.50

  • Performance Management (Lead and Manage a Team of Security Officers)

NTUC members can enjoy 50% *unfunded course fee support for up to $250 or $500 (aged 40 years old and above; this will apply from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2025) each year when you sign up for courses supported under UTAP.

*Unfunded course fee refers to the balance course fee payable after applicable government subsidy. This excludes registration fees, misc. fees etc.

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