Muthuraman S/O Rajoo
Associate TrainerTraining:
▪ WSQ Advanced Certificate in Training & Assessment (ACTA), Institute for Adult Learning
▪ WSQ Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education (DACE), Institute for Adult Learning
▪ WSQ Certificate in Security Operations, POLWEL Co-operative Society Limited
▪ Basic Security Course, Premier Training Co-operative Society Ltd
▪ Security Supervisors Course, Premier Training Co-operative Society Ltd
▪ First Aid and CPR, Singapore Civil Defence Force
▪ Certificate in Safety Coordinators Training Course, Building and Construction Authority
▪ WSQ Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan, Absolute Kinetics Consultancy Pte Ltd
▪ Professional Diploma in Construction Engineering, Trent Global College
▪ 4 years as Control Room Officer / Security Supervisor at Sovereign Security Service Pte Ltd
▪ 1 year as Security Supervisor at Pedro Security & Investigation Pte Ltd
▪ 1 year as Security Supervisor at Sunlight Security Pte Ltd
▪ 2 years as In-house Security Supervisor at M+W Zander (S) Pte Ltd
▪ 6 years as Safety Coordinator at Microtac Group
▪ 3 years as Safety Trainer at Bus ways Pte Ltd
▪ Associate Trainer with Apro Training Centre Pte Ltd since 2018
Awards & Achievements:
▪ Approved WSQ Trainer, Assessor & Developer